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Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, The Sequel: Mr. Obama Goes To Hollywood……

March 19, 2009

Jimmy Stewart in: Mr. Smith goes to Washington

Jimmy Stewart traveled to Washington to impact his country.

Barrack Obama traveled to Hollywood to impact his image.


President Obama to Appear on NBC w/ Jay Leno Thursday, March 19th 11:30 a.m. ET/NBC

Article #1

NBC’s, The Jay Leno Show, To Host First US President As Guest

Article #2

Obama To Make History (Again)

Article #3

Limited Photography Access To Leno Show

President Obama has no freaking clue, the tone he is setting with America’s enemies.  Rest assure, our enemies are watching (and waiting).

Ironically, NBC is billing this Jay Leno appearance by Obama, bragging on how this is the first presidential appearance on any TV talk show.

Do you think for a minute that liberals are smart enough to ask the question…Why… no other president has done these types of interviews and appearances?

Can you imagine the conversations taking place behind Obama’s back by our top military leaders?

This may sound conspiracy theorist and propaganda-ish, but Obama appears to be making this decision out of personal gain and ego, so he is putting his liberal agenda, if only at some small level, ahead of our own National security.

It is not necessarily the single act of doing a TV interview that places or country at risk, but the combination of perpetual bad decisions like this one that reveals volumes about Obama’s mentality, inexperience, ego fixation and overall incompetence.

Think about it.

Guests go on Jay Leno for PR reasons: actors peddling movies, authors pitching books, musicians marketing their CD’s and the same goes for comedians too.

Perhaps Obama needs a PR bump or simply needs to snort a couple of fresh lines of recognition from his peeps.

Regardless his ultimate motivation, unproven stunts like this have an uncanny way of coming back and biting the ego that fed it.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

He makes a genuine narcissistic sociopath look like Mother Teresa.

But then again, Obama is a by-product of our current American culture, much like Bill Clinton was too, in his day.

To America’s shame and disgrace, Obama fits the role of a (current) American President, perfectly.

Liberals don’t hate Rush Limbaugh, they hate his politics and conservative belief system.  Subsequently, liberals don’t love Obama, they love his politics and his ultra liberal belief system.

Right now the country is upside down economically, and virtually ever single decision that has originated from the White House, since his inauguration, has not only failed, but failed miserably, embarrassing every democrat in his wake.

But then again, perhaps the liberals are not smart enough to realize that their leader is embarrassing our country – Ad nauseam.

Troy's Citizens Praise & Worship Statue Of Horse, Not Knowing The Enemy Is Hidding Inside Waiting For The Dark Of Night To Open The City Gates.

Troy's Citizens Praise & Worship Statue Of Horse, Not Knowing The Enemy Is Hidding Inside Waiting For The Dark Of Night To Climb Out And Open The City Gates.

Obama is to the White House, what the Trojan horse was to Troy.

But then again, most of Troy’s citizens had their throat’s slip in the middle of the night, before they realized what was happening. So we American’s have that going for us now.

O, by the way, I’m sure that our current government, in their fight for equality and fairness in broadcasting, will force NBC to invite either, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck or Neal Boortz on The Jay Leno Show too, tomorrow night, to offer a counter position to all the liberal speak that Obama will gush.
…Remember, The Fairness inDoctrine?

P.S.  Although Leno is a very kind and gracious man, it’s not that big a deal to be on set with Jay Leno anyway, two of my former business partners and I, were given the opportunity to ‘hang’ with Jay at NBC’s studio in ’04.  (Linsay Lohan and Ludacris were the lame guests that night), which probably explains how we got on stage with Jay in the first place.

Jon, Wes, Greg and Jay

From Left to Right: Jon, Wes, Greg and Jay

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