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Did Mother Teresa Ever Wear $600 Shoes Serving The Poor?

May 6, 2009
WARNING:  The contents of this post contain actual quotes from The Bible:  God’s Holy Word.  Regardless ones specific faith or ‘religious’ preference, anyone reading this post that does not believe The Bible to be the infallible Word of God or at the very least a legitimate credible resource to be trusted completely, will most likely consider this commentary right-wing hate speech and personally offensive.  


Next time someone suggests that people need to ‘spread the wealth’ so everyone is given an equal opportunity, ask them if they are leading by example.   Chances are no one is leading this kind of financial charge by example, so the natural reply to any such lunacy should be…


Hint: This is NOT a poor person wearing these $600 French designed, Lanvin sneakers. And, they were not given out to anyone poor either.


…No doubt, this was a Freudian slip by whom the liberal press knighted the most intellectual and articulate of all other presidents, but nonetheless, this telling ‘slip’ would somehow become the dominate mantra for Barak Obama’s ’08 Presidential campaign.

What a noble platform…right?

Forget the fact that the ‘War on Poverty’ continues to be an ongoing battle, and a battle that will never be won by mortal men.  But if that were the case, why bother helping the poor if there is no utopia Hollywood-like ending of this societal issue?

Even Christ Himself acknowledged that the poor would always be a part of society…

“For you have the poor always with you; but me you have not always.”  Matthew 26:11

The concept of spreading wealth or creating some Cinderella-fashioned level playing field; whereby in theory, all peoples are treated financially equal, may in fact be noble.

Again, Christ Himself directed a wealthy man seeking his idea of redemption, to sell his materialistic possessions and give the money to the poor. 

Jesus said to him, if you will be perfect, go and sell that you have, and give to the poor, and you shall have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  Matthew 19:21

So in its proper context, the concept is most noble.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

For some reason, when forced to apply the brakes to the million or so thoughts racing through this brain on a giving day, the name Mother Teresa is the first image the mind conjures up, when considering an individual committed to helping the poor.

Ponder for a moment, Mother Teresa working with the poor and handing out clothes for men, women, boys and girls, along with grocery bags full of food. 

But out of the corner of the eye, Mother Teresa is spotted wearing a pair of brand name French sneakers that in most circles, outside her current given environment, would comprehend the approximate $550 price tag for this specific fashion statement.

For some reason the phrase, ‘fashion statement’ and the name Mother Teresa seem to blend together about as effortlessly as oil mixes with H2O.

Here is the blatant hypocrisy of liberals.

Michelle Obama does not have enough genuine empathy toward the poor or for that matter, simple common sense, to know that wearing a pair of shoes costing as much or more than what most poor people pay a month to feed their family – might not be the best idea.


First Lady, Michelle Obama sporting $600 sneakers during photo op, while handing out food to the poor.


Liberals don’t get it.  They preach a message that sounds and feels good, but they can’t practice what they preach, but expect people to respond to what they say, but not how they live their life.

Curious, since Obama is eager to spread the wealth, why didn’t Michelle give out $600 shoes and $10,000 custom dresses, but opted instead to hand out tax payer funded or donated food – that never cost her or her family a single penny. 

Even the gas, and all those non-offset CO2’s burned up into the ozone transporting The First Lady to this event was funded by hard working taxpayers.

Yes, Mother Teresa became an icon, not only to the poor, but throughout the world as well; however, Mother Teresa led by example, and did the majority of her labor behind closed doors regardless of fanfare, money or popularity.  

Additionally, Mother Teresa never tried to make others, more fortunate than the poor, feel guilty about having financial success.  She simply led by humble example.  That is why people and corporations from around the world gave millions of dollars, to her cause.

Btw, if Mother Teresa’s shoes were not donated to her the majority of her adult life, I doubt she ever paid more than $10 for a single pair.


George Obama, Barack's half-brother, lives 'like a recluse' in a shack outside Nairobi.

George Obama, Barack's half-brother, lives 'like a recluse' in a shack outside Nairobi.


Important Side Note:  
It is true that you get what you pay for, so this article is not to suggest that successful people should not be able to buy quality products.  The theme of this article is simply to point out the glairing hypocrisy of the supposed leader’s spouse that seeks to spread the wealth by mere words, but not actions.  
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